2021 Annual Meeting FAQs
August 19, 20212021 RfP: FAQs and Additional Information
September 28, 2021Registration Confirmation – Action Required
Everyone that had registered to attend the September Te Hiranga Rū QuakeCoRE Annual Meeting, needs to confirm their registration.
As indicated last week, we have postponed the Annual Meeting 6-9 December. At this time we need you to confirm whether you will be attending the meeting in December. We appreciate the new dates may not be convenient for everyone, and if you are no longer able to attend, we ask that you please let us know so that we can assign your place to someone on the waiting list. As part of the registration confirmation process you will also have the opportunity to edit your registration and add or remove events and update your workshop preferences.
Details of the new programme are available on the website and will be listed on the registration confirmation form.
Please use the personalised link in the email that came from QuakeCoRE on Wednesday 1st September.
As you can appreciate, it is critically important that we have an accurate list of participants for health and safety reasons, therefore we ask that you please confirm your attendance by Friday 17th September.
New Registrations Once we have confirmed our current participants, if places remain, we will open a waiting list for other members of our community that would like to attend the December meeting. Details on how to register for the waiting list will be available towards the end of September.
Posters It will not be possible to make any changes to poster abstracts, all posters that were accepted for our September meeting will automatically be included in the December meeting; we are not able to accept new posters.
If you have any questions about the registration confirmation process, please contact the Support Team ([email protected]); you can also visit our FAQ page here.