QuakeCoRE Seminar – 30 October 2020
October 28, 2020Annual Meeting Updates
November 4, 202010 am Friday 27th November
Richard Smith
(Resilience to Nature’s Challenges / GNS Science) |
Working across boundaries: Collaboration and partnership for resilience
The Resilience to Nature-’s Challenges National Science Challenge (the -˜Resilience Challenge-™) is one of 11 National Science Challenges (NSC) funded by MBIE. Our mission is to accelerate Aotearoa New Zealand-’s resilience to ever-changing natural hazards, through innovative, collaborative research. NSCs were established in 2014 and aim to tackle the biggest science-based issues and opportunities facing New Zealand. NSCs bring together the country-’s top scientists to work collaboratively across disciplines, institutions and borders to achieve their objectives. They are characterised by mission-led, multi-disciplinary research, co-designed and developed in partnership with researcher users, and a strong focus on weaving mÄtauranga mÄori with western science. NSC performance is measured on science excellence, impact (progress towards achieving the Challenge objective), delivery for mÄori, stakeholder engagement, team collaboration, and public participation.
Phase 2 of the Resilience Challenge – Kia Manawaroa Ngā Ä€kina o Te Ao Turoa – is structured around two integrating research themes: 1) Multi-hazard Risk Models; exciting new research to improve modelling of natural hazard impacts across earthquakes/tsunami/landslides, volcanoes, coastal hazards, weather and wildfire; and 2) Resilience in Practice Methods; innovative social, economic, engineering, and kaupapa mÄori research to develop tools and methods to support resilience decision making in Aotearoa New Zealand.
This seminar will give an overview of the natural hazards resilience research we are doing in Phase 2 and explore the opportunities and imperatives for coordination across the resilience research -˜system-™, including with Te Hiranga Rū QuakeCore.
For details on how to join the seminar – return to the 2020 Seminar series home page link
Zoom link