Rebid Workshop: Economics and seismic policy settings
May 3, 2019Media Release: International researchers visit New Zealand to study earthquake risk reduction
May 8, 2019Wānanga Title: Mātauranga Māori and Earthquake Resilience
Wānanga Location: Whakatu Marae, Nelson
Wānanga Timing: Late June
Wānanga Description:
The Mātauranga Māori and Earthquake Resilience Wānanga is being planned for late June at the Whakatu Marae in Nelson. We are seeking to have a dialogue to collaboratively understand the research opportunities and priorities for earthquake resilience in a Māori context. We are currently accepting expressions of interest from anyone that wishes to attend.
Wānanga Details:
Expressions of interest from anyone interested in attending the Wānanga should be sent to David Johnston via email ([email protected]).
QuakeCoRE Research Planning Workshop Series
Over the next couple of months, QuakeCoRE will be hosting a series of workshops to develop research topics that will form an important component of our rebid application to TEC. These workshops are a key opportunity for you to input and participate in the development of our future research programme plans.