2023 Study Tour
February 1, 2023QuakeCoRE Seminar – 10 March 2023
February 20, 2023Recent advances in the seismic design and performance assessment of structures, and the path forward
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10am Friday 10 February 2022
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Presenter: Reagan Chandramohan (Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha, University of Canterbury)
The advancement of computational resources over the past few decades has catalysed the evolution of structural design and assessment practice, from what was once reliant on empirical rules of thumb, to one that is better informed by detailed numerical simulations. Structural analysis techniques embedded into seismic design codes help practitioners gain valuable insight into the expected behaviour of structures under seismic loads during the design stages. Advanced nonlinear dynamic analyses have been employed by researchers to calibrate these design codes and quantify the expected performance of code-conforming structures. The current trajectory points to a future where advanced analyses using sophisticated models are conducted more frequently in research and practice. Recent research in this area has focussed on facilitating the wider adoption of analysis techniques by validating structural models, quantifying model uncertainty, addressing numerical non-convergence, and developing effective record selection strategies.
Reagan Chandramohan is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, at the University of Canterbury. Research conducted by his group aims to minimize human and economic losses incurred during earthquakes by enhancing the seismic safety of our built environment. His team seeks to advance the state-of-the-art in structural risk and reliability assessment using modern high-performance computing tools and statistically rigorous structural analysis techniques. It employs large-scale numerical simulations to answer fundamental questions relating the characteristics of earthquake ground motion to the nonlinear dynamic response and collapse behaviour of structures.
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