Research Project Stories – Toni Collins
July 18, 2023Poster Showcase Sessions
July 28, 2023Aotearoa New Zealand's
Rumbling Reality: Uncovering our Earthquake Risks & Responses
7pm Thursday, 31 August 2023
Napier Memorial Conference Centre
Public Talk - Free, all welcome
The Hawke’s Bay community is invited to join us to hear the latest earthquake research from three leading New Zealand researchers in an hour-long public talk followed by Q&A.
Matt Gerstenberger (GNS Science) will share what areas across Aotearoa New Zealand are most likely to experience earthquake shaking and will detail the latest updates to the National Seismic Hazard Model.
Marion Tan (Massey University) will update you on the latest research on Earthquake Early Warning and considerations for Aotearoa New Zealand, as new products, like Google’s earthquake early warning for Android phones, are tested in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Lauren Vinnell (Massey University) will explain how people behave during earthquakes and highlight what this means for keeping ourselves safe during earthquakes and their aftershocks.
The 15-20 minute presentations from each speaker will be followed by 30 minutes of Q&A, so come along with your questions.
Check out our Facebook event page for further details.
QuakeCoRE is the New Zealand Centre for Earthquake Resilience.
It is a Centre of Research Excellence hosted by the University of Canterbury.