Rebid Workshop: Harnessing disruptive technologies
May 3, 2019Rebid Workshop: Integrated seismic demands & consequent geohazards: How can we advance prediction accuracy and precision?
May 3, 2019Workshop Title: Resilient communities during and after earthquakes
Workshop Location: TBC
Workshop Timing: TBC
Workshop Description:
This workshop aims to explore research directions and needs for the QuakeCoRE 2 rebid. The aim of this theme is to collaboratively understand how we can significantly increase the resilience of New Zealand homes and communities to future earthquakes so that they are safe-havens for our community during and after a large earthquake. In the workshop we will discuss a draft framework of potential research (see below), and collate ideas from workshop participants for future research in this theme.
Workshop Details:
QuakeCoRE Research Planning Workshop Series
Over the next couple of months, QuakeCoRE will be hosting a series of workshops to develop research topics that will form an important component of our rebid application to TEC. These workshops are a key opportunity for you to input and participate in the development of our future research programme plans.