Rebid Workshop: Repairable buildings to serve resilient communities
May 3, 2019Rebid Workshop: Harnessing disruptive technologies
May 3, 2019Workshop Title: Building seismic resilience into New Zealand-’s transportation and logistics system
Workshop Location: Via Zoom (Link)
Workshop Timing: 27th May, 9 AM – 12 Noon
Workshop Description:
This workshop aims to explore research directions and needs for the QuakeCoRE 2 rebid. The aim of this theme is to collaboratively understand, and advance, the seismic resilience of New Zealand transport networks within a system viewpoint. In the workshop we will discuss a draft framework of potential research (see below), and collate ideas from workshop participants for future research in this theme.
White Paper: Available here
Workshop Details:
Hello All
We ere are holding a videoconference workshop to discuss the Seismic resilience of New Zealand-’s transport system. This is part of rebid process for QuakeCoRE post-2020, as one of the proposed Grand Challenges within the QuakeCoRE2 structure.
This Grand Challenge requires an understanding of the hazards affecting system components and their functionality, the functionality of networks and their users, the interaction between networks, and the social and economic impacts of disruption. The challenge is how these can be combined to provide quantifiable measures of system resilience in order to inform policy and investment decisions to improve the robustness and/or redundancy of the system.
All modes of transport (road, rail, air, sea), and the required energy sources to enable each network to function (liquid fuel (storage + pipelines) + electricity) need to be assessed. A multi-mode focus is critical to understanding how modes can interact and options to improve the redundancy of the wider system.
An initial white paper and agenda will soon be circulated to prompt initial discussions for the proposal building. The workshop will provide an opportunity to understanding ongoing projects in this space, and how these can be further developed. We are also looking to bring new expertise together to expand the potential scope of this research collaboration. At the QuakeCoRE Annual Meeting in September there will be a follow up face to face workshop to further discuss and develop these ideas. Please forward this invite to whoever you think may be interested – this is open to all.
QuakeCoRE Research Planning Workshop Series
Over the next couple of months, QuakeCoRE will be hosting a series of workshops to develop research topics that will form an important component of our rebid application to TEC. These workshops are a key opportunity for you to input and participate in the development of our future research programme plans.