QuakeCoRE Seminar – 6 August 2021
June 18, 2021QuakeCoRE Seminar – 1 October 2021
June 18, 2021QuakeCoRE 2021 – 2028 Research Programme – Disciplinary Theme 4: Critical cultural and social factors determining societal resilience to earthquakes
10 am Friday 17th September
Programme Co-Leader: Caroline Orchiston (University of Otago) & Programme Co-Leader: David Johnston (Massey University) |
New Zealand-’s experience of major earthquakes in the past decade has created unique research opportunities within a -˜living laboratory-™ setting toward a deep understanding of human interpretations of, and responses to, earthquakes – vital for earthquake risk reduction strategies. Acceptable risk in the context of building safety and other resilience-building initiatives requires interactions between natural (physical and engineering) and human (behavioural) factors. Recently NZ has developed a number of national initiatives and activities designed to build collective resilience to future earthquakes across regional to national scales (-˜East Coast LAB-™, -˜Wellington: It’s our Fault-™ and -˜Project AF8-™). These programmes have anecdotally led to tangible improvements in preparedness and response capability. However, measurement and evaluation of their success has had limited attention to date, hindering the ability to further iterate their execution for greater resilience gains.
This disciplinary theme comprises three strands that will investigate human behaviour immediately prior to, during, and immediately after earthquake shaking; the linkages between risk interpretations and actions; and the role of national and regional hazard initiatives in NZ in the production of tools for resilience, including response plans and frameworks, and increased awareness through community engagement and communication. Key research questions include (i) How do people respond to earthquake shaking and earthquake warnings? (ii) Do responses vary across different temporal, spatial, social and cultural contexts? (iii) How can we evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of earthquake resilience-building programmes? This programme will contribute to existing research collaborations both nationally and internationally into the future
For details on how to join the seminar – return to the 2021 Seminar series home page link
How to join the Seminar
10:00 AM Friday 17th September
Zoom link
(password – 389905)