GNS Science social scientist Dr Wendy Saunders joins QuakeCoRE Leadership Team
July 31, 2018QuakeCoRE Portal: Tips for investigators
July 31, 2018From 9-11 July QuakeCoRE researchers affiliated with Flagship 3 attended the 10th International Masonry Conference in Milan. Professor Jason Ingham delivered a keynote address that provided an overview of the ongoing QuakeCoRE research activity associated with an Alpine fault scenario and how empirical building damage data from the Canterbury earthquakes, combined with the development of an asset inventory of unreinforced masonry and other low rise buildings across the South Island, is being used to forecast building damage, debris fall zones, and potential casualties in the event of an Alpine fault earthquake. The presentation also briefly addressed the historical context of the development of this building stock, the role that these buildings played in the early economic development of the South Island, and the ongoing role that these buildings contribute to the character of their communities. In total the research team delivered nine presentations at the conference.