QuakeCoRE Seminar – 28 October 2022
July 21, 20222022 Annual Meeting – Day One
August 31, 2022IP1 Research seminar – international speaker
Dr Michael Mieler, a Senior Risk and Resilience Engineer at Arup, San Francisco will be joining the QuakeCoRE IP1 team on 14 September to give a seminar. This promises to be an inspirational and insightful seminar where we hear Dr Mieler reflects on recent advances and remaining challenges in downtime modeling of buildings in earthquakes and how engineers can play a role in mitigating multiscale earthquake impacts.
The seminar is open to the wider QuakeCoRE community, please use the Zoom link below and passcode to join.
Seminar title: Overview of recent advances and remaining challenges in downtime modeling of buildings in earthquakes
Wednesday, 14 September 2022
1-2:30 pm | online seminar
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 948 5887 6964; Passcode: 029655
Abstract: Earthquake-induced damage to the built infrastructure can generate enormous societal impact, ranging from displacement of individual families and businesses to disruption of entire economic sectors and public services. Consequently, engineers play a critical role in mitigating these cascading, multiscale earthquake impacts. A significant component in this effort involves designing buildings and other structures to avoid the types of damage that can lead to loss of functionality and downtime after an earthquake. This presentation will provide an overview of recently developed analytical models for evaluating loss of functionality in individual buildings, highlighting recent advances. The presentation will also identify several critical gaps in knowledge and areas of future research that need to be addressed to improve existing downtime models.
Bio: Dr. Mieler is a Senior Risk and Resilience Engineer at Arup in the Advanced Technology and Research group in San Francisco. His work focuses on assessing and mitigating the impacts of earthquakes and other natural hazards on complex societal infrastructure systems, including university campuses and networks of datacenters. Prior to joining Arup in 2014, Dr. Mieler was a postdoc at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and a visiting researcher at GNS Science in New Zealand. He received his doctorate from UC Berkeley in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2012. He currently serves as the co-chair of EERI’s “Learning From Earthquakes” program with Professor Eduardo Miranda.