2022 Annual Meeting – Day One
August 31, 20222022 Annual Meeting – Day Three
September 2, 2022On this beautiful Hawke’s Bay morning David Johnston, QuakeCoRE's Associate Director, opened the day’s sessions with an overview of Te Hiranga Rū QuakeCoRE.
A highlight of the conference for many is Director, Brendon Bradley’s incredible State of QuakeCoRE presentation, summarising the depth and breadth of research that QuakeCoRE is involved in.
Associate Director Caroline Orchiston followed with a summary of the Communication, Education and Engagement (CEE) portfolio and what work is underway.
In the lead up to the Annual Meeting each of the QuakeCoRE Emerging Researcher Chapters hold heats to establish the best of the best in this quickfire lightning talk format. 2022 did not disappoint with an excellent assortment of topics and speakers. The consensus amongst audience members was one of inspiration and feeling that the future is in great hands with the calibre of emerging researchers rising through the ranks.
Associate Director Anthony Hoete and Tūmanako Fa’aui took us on a journey through their varied kaupapa Māori projects in the Mātauranga Māori: Kaupapa Māori session. Anthony and Tūmanako (both of University of Auckland) co-lead Disciplinary Theme 5: Mātauranga Māori and Earthquake Resilience with Christine Kenney.
“Be on the left of the bang” Dave Gawn, Chief Executive of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) – gives a useful military-inspired analogy in disaster preparedness and resilience. The message here was to be in the reduction and readiness space to make any future response and recovery that much stronger.
The real star of this session had to be Allana Hiha, the Mana Ahuriri representative, sharing relevant whakatoki / proverbs with attendees, and perhaps the chocolate fish she shared with lucky members of the crowd afterwards too. Truly sharing the bounty of her kete with others.
Our first plenary of the day directly relating to QuakeCoRE's Inter-disciplinary Theme 1: Functional Recovery: Technical, Economic and Societal Factors for Maintaining and Restoring Function of Multi-storey Buildings was truly an interdisciplinary panel. A myriad of great questions from attendees during this session.
The ever important Poster sessions to share research amongst peers. The calibre of posters keeps on improving with every cohort. The Poster Abstract book is available online here.
The Quicker Safer Tsunami Evacuation Project encouraged Annual Meeting attendees to undertake a Tsunami Hīkoi to higher ground to gather data for their project. For more information on the Hīkoi click here.
A word from our sponsor. Hearing from Jo Horrocks about Toka Tū Ake’s recent name change and the drivers behind it.
We thank Toka Tū Ake for their continued support and sponsorship of the Annual Meeting.
The prestigious Directors’ Award was given to the QuakeCoRE Emerging Research Chapter Leaders to recognise the time, energy, and commitment our QERC leaders have put into their Chapters over the last three years during the Covid-19 pandemic. The support provided to their fellow postgraduate students was immeasurable.
Te Hiranga Rū QuakeCoRE Directors’ Award recognises individuals who show significant dedication and service to the mission and values of QuakeCoRE.
Congratulations and thank you to each and every QERC Executive Team member who has made a valuable contribution.
All that was left for the day was the all-important QuakeCoRE Dinner and an awaiting dancefloor.
The full QuakeCoRE 2022 Annual Meeting Programme is available online here. The Programme includes all speaker abstract and bios, attendees and ways you can connect with QuakeCoRE.
The Poster Abstract book is available here.
Thanks to our 2022 Annual Meeting sponsor: Toka Tū Ake EQC.