RfP Research Stories: Tom Robinson
August 3, 20232023 Annual Meeting – Day Two
August 31, 2023Nau mai haere mai, Welcome to Ahuriri Napier and the 2023 QuakeCoRE Annual Meeting.
This year we welcome almost two hundred and fifty attendees from all over Aotearoa with representatives from:
- the major national Universities and Wānanga
- various Crown Research Institutes
- Government Ministries and National Agencies
- Industry
- Members of the Plate Boundary Alliance
- respected Member Bodies
- Consulting firms
- Civil Defence and Emergency Management Professionals
- Delegation from South Korea
- our Board Members
- Directors
- Programme Area Leaders
- Associate Investigators
- Industry Affiliates
- Affiliate Organisations
- QuakeCoRE Student Chapters
- QuakeCoRE Scholars
- Post-graduate students, including
- Emerging and early-career researchers
We also have the great pleasure of welcoming our International Science Advisory Board members from the United States and Taiwan.
Distinguished Lecture: Engineering models to support regional disaster resilience assessment - Jack Backer (Stanford University)
Focusing his lecture on resilience and functional recovery for regional communities using probabilistic and statistical tools to quantify and manage disaster risk and resilience, Jack revealed how the approach by his research group allows for the quantification of a broader range of disaster impact metrics, and facilitate the comparison of physical and policy interventions to mitigate risks.
Jack acknowledged these developments provide new insights for risk reduction, and allow the engineering community to engage with and benefit from necessary social sciences scholarship.
Jack's full abstract and bio are available here.
Jack concluded the lecture with the following three points, acknowledging our joint endeavours towards making progress in the face of uncertainty:
- Engineering models can provide insights about post-disaster community recovery and support risk reduction
- These are complex problems, but are increasingly feasible to research using new methodologies and software tools
- George Box's maxim "All models are wrong, but they can be useful" (and can be extended). Arguably the uncertainties of a model are much more easily quantified than the mental models or uncertainties at play within the expert's mind.
Welcome Dinner
The Welcome Dinner was then served, giving everyone the opportunity to share kai (food), discuss the topics raised within the Distinguished Lecture and to catch up with colleagues.
The 2023 Annual Meeting Programme Overview (PDF) is available here.
The full Annual Meeting Programme booklet (PDF) is available online here.
The Programme includes all speaker abstract and bios, attendees and ways you can connect with QuakeCoRE.
The Poster Abstract book is available here
Thanks to our 2023 Annual Meeting sponsor: Toka Tū Ake EQC