We will open our Annual Meeting with a Mihi Whakatau, this is an official welcome for us to Ahuriri and represents a chance for us to ‘settle and make peace’ in this location. We hope that all Annual Meeting attendees will join us for the Mihi Whakatau to open the Annual Meeting. The information below is a guide for those people not familiar with Mihi Whakatau.
Appropriate Behaviour
- You are encouraged to respect a tidy business casual dress code; sports clothes are not appropriate
- Please ensure that all mobile phones are turned off, and that you are respectfully listening to what is occurring during the welcome
- Nobody should eat or drink during the Mihi Whakatau
What to expect
Representatives from QuakeCoRE will be up the front for the Mihi Whakatau, these people have been contacted in advance and are aware of their role
There will be a mihi (speech), then we will all stand and sing a waiata tautoko (song of support)
We will sing Te Aroha
- The words will be displayed on the screens and are also below
- You may wish to practice before the Annual Meeting
- We will finish the welcome to Ahuriri by sharing some light refreshments
Te aroha Te whakapono Me te rangimarie Tatou tatou e
| Love, Faith, Peace For us all |