Te Hiranga Rū QuakeCoRE are pleased to announce that Professor Jack Baker from Stanford University will be giving the Distinguished Lecture at the 2023 QuakeCoRE Annual Meeting.
Engineering models to support regional disaster resilience assessment
Jack W. Baker
Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability
Jack Baker is a Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs in the Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability. He uses probabilistic and statistical tools to quantify and manage disaster risk and resilience. He has made contributions to risk analysis of spatially distributed systems, characterization of earthquake ground motions, and simulation of post-disaster recovery. He is an author of the textbook Seismic Hazard and Risk Analysis, Director of the Stanford Urban Resilience Initiative, Editor-in-Chief of Earthquake Spectra, and a Co-Founder of Haselton Baker Risk Group. His awards include the William B. Joyner Lecture Award from the Seismological Society of America and Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, the Walter L. Huber Prize from the American Society of Civil Engineers, and the Early Achievement Research Award from the International Association for Structural Safety and Reliability.
Achieving disaster resilience requires insights and contributions from earth scientists, engineers, and social scientists. This talk will highlight recent engineering developments from the Stanford Urban Resilience Initiative. Several new computational workflows and assessment tools allow for the quantification of a broader range of disaster impact metrics, and facilitate the comparison of physical and policy interventions to mitigate risks. First, performance-based assessment methodologies are extended to allow for high-resolution simulation of restoring a damaged building to functional operation. Second, regional computational workflows provide easier access to data and calculation procedures for community impact assessment. Third, physical damage simulations are coupled with agent-based models, to account for the effects of household preferences and demographics on the recovery process. Collectively, these developments provide new insights for risk reduction, and allow the engineering community to engage with and benefit from social sciences scholarship.
Contact QuakeCoRE if you have any questions about the Annual Meeting.